Since classes have started, we've been having very full days, so pardon my inconsistency of posting. Yesterday we met a few Russian students at RSUH who gave us a tour of the campus. It was a little awkward, as all of those blind date "paid friends" kind of situations are, but the information they had to tell us was helpful, even if a little late in arrival.
Today we had more class -- we have class every day until 2:30pm now -- and then three of us went on an excursion to the Kremlin. We saw the interiors of three of the churches, one palace, and the armory museum. Memorable items from the armory included Ivan the Terrible's saddle, Peter the Great's fur-lined boots, Catherine the Great's tinnny tinnny dress from when she was 16 years old (perhaps she had an eating disorder?) and a lot, a lot, a LOT of fancy silverware.
Here are some photos from our excursion:
As for tonight, currently, we are celebrating the new year according to the old Russian calendar -- thirteen days after the modern New Year. We are making sure to celebrate it Russian-style with a little of this:

С Новым годом!
-- E.B. (with Galina, Aisling & Jess)
Hmmmm...Cheaper than vodka?